Risultati per 'parallel trading of perfume':

Di seguito l'elenco dei risultati di ricerca trovati rilevanti per la keyword 'parallel trading of perfume':

Risultati maggiormente rilevanti:

 parallel import - wikipedia
A parallel import is a non- counterfeit product imported from another country without the permission of the intellectual property owner. Parallel imports are often referred to as grey product and are implicated in issues of international trade, and intellectual property. [1]

 parallel trading of perfume
Risultati maggiormente rilevanti: parallel trading of perfume.

 parallel trading of cosmetic
Definition. In the EU context, parallel trade refers to the practice of importing genuine products from a low-price Member State and exporting them to a high-price Member State through channels other than those established by the manufacturer of the products, usually by independent parallel importers/exporters seeking arbitrage profits.

Altri risultati:

 paradigm shift in the burden of proof in parallel trade: ecj, judgment ...
Accordingly, the principle of exhaustion enables a kind of automatic harmonization of prices in the member states via so-called parallel trade: If, for example, a branded perfume is sold in the trademark owner's selective distribution system in Italy for EUR 50, but in Germany for EUR 80, trading companies outside the selective distribution syst...

 what are aaa grade parallel imports? – auro group
Our perfumes are AAA grade parallel imports that closely resemble the originals sold in general retail stores, but they cannot be compared to the originals themselves. While some small defects may be present, such as slight damage to the box or a slight color variant, most of our.

 parallel imports (parallel trade) - concurrences
Definition. In the EU context, parallel trade refers to the practice of importing genuine products from a low-price Member State and exporting them to a high-price Member State through channels other than those established by the manufacturer of the products, usually by independent parallel importers/exporters seeking arbitrage profits.

 parallel trading | ipsos
Parallel Trading. Public Sector. The European Court of Justice has ruled that the manufacturers of designer goods (including perfumes, cosmetics, clothes and sunglasses) can prevent supermarkets in Britain selling these manufacturers' products to shoppers at discount prices. 1 August 1998. European Union.

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