Risultati per 'parallel trading of cosmetic':

Di seguito l'elenco dei risultati di ricerca trovati rilevanti per la keyword 'parallel trading of cosmetic':

Risultati maggiormente rilevanti:

 parallel trading of cosmetic
Definition. In the EU context, parallel trade refers to the practice of importing genuine products from a low-price Member State and exporting them to a high-price Member State through channels other than those established by the manufacturer of the products, usually by independent parallel importers/exporters seeking arbitrage profits.

 customs seizes parallel trading haul worth mop 910,000 of cosmetics ...
City. Customs seizes parallel trading haul worth MOP 910,000 of cosmetics & CPUs. MOP 910,000 worth of 1,300 cosmetic products and CPUs were seized in a shop near the Barrier Gate checkpoint. ARTICLE BY. Staff Reporter. PUBLISHED. 31 Dec 2020. UPDATED: 15 Jun 2024, 3:39 pm.

 ‘we are just earning a living’: parallel trading on the rise in hong ...
Fuelled by higher taxes on consumer products across the border and confidence in the quality of Hong Kong goods, parallel trading in Sheung Shui was rife for decades before the pandemic and the...

Altri risultati:

 parallel trade and the beauty industry | latest - mishcon de reya llp
Parallel trade and the beauty industry. Posted on 21 October 2021. Earlier this year. we reported on the UK Government Consultation to determine the UK's future regime for importing parallel goods into the UK (following the UK's departure from the EU), and the extent to which intellectual property rights holders and their authorised licensees ...

 parallel imports: an overview of eu and national case law
Introduction. Since the last special edition of e-Competitions on restrictions of parallel trade, there have been a number of national competition authority cases that have helped clarify and con rm this area of antitrust law.

 hong kong customs to meet guangdong counterparts over parallel trading ...
Hong Kong customs has vowed to crack down on a resurgence in parallel trading after the full reopening of the border with mainland China, announcing officers will meet their Guangdong...

 parallel import - wikipedia
A parallel import is a non- counterfeit product imported from another country without the permission of the intellectual property owner. Parallel imports are often referred to as grey product and are implicated in issues of international trade, and intellectual property. [1]

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